In 2025, AMEB is organizing the online exams (video exams) and face to face exams to meet the needs of candidates in all part of the country.
Our exams and resources have been used by students and teachers in Vietnam since 2019. Since then, over 1000 candidates have successfully completed AMEB exams and gained internationally recognised certificates. We have also partnered with some of Vietnam’s most trusted conservatories, schools and institutions to bring you the best education and exams possible.
For more information about AMEB in Australia, please visit

Leading the way in music education for over 100 years
Supporting, inspiring & encouraging a life-long engagement with music, speech and drama.
The Australian Music Examination Board (AMEB) has been the leading provider of music, speech and drama in Australia for over 100 years. Our long-standing history and connection with major Australian universities has established our qualifications as a benchmark in Australia and internationally. We do this by providing a globally recognised graded system of exams in music, speech and drama. To support our exams we produce high-quality syllabuses, support to teachers, examiners and candidates, and quality publications of the highest editorial standards.
AMEB advantage.
AMEB exams are recognised within the University systems in Australia and internationally AMEB exam results are an Australian benchmark for university entry. Our examiners are highly trained and specialists in their instrument further enhancing the benefit of taking an AMEB exam.